Looking for a way to capture opinions of you brand or market? Vox pops filming can bring the voice of your customers to life!

Whether you’ve heard of the term ‘vox pops’ or not, you’ll definitely have come across them before. Vox pops offer a slice of public opinion, reflecting the real views of your customers. Although most commonly used in news broadcasts, they are an incredibly powerful resource for brands and businesses too.

How can you use the content capture from Vox Pops filming?

You can use vox pops to;

  • Convince investors that an idea is worth backing

  • Give a voice to consumer opinion and behaviour

  • Communicate positive feedback to prospective consumers to drive sales

  • Show the passion people have for your brand


When and where to capture vox pops

Essentially vox pops are off-the-cuff comments that are captured on camera, so they really can be captured anywhere. But over the years we’ve learnt a lot about the best times and places to capture them.

Consumer opinion

Most big companies have conferences with major stakeholders and global teams at least on a yearly basis. These conferences will no doubt cover the successes of the past year, but also centre on the objectives for the future. Collecting real public opinion is a great way of capturing all the research and knowledge you already have about your industry and hearing it from the horses mouth. Backing up your businesses priorities, with real opinion.

Vox pops filming

You can also be responsive with vox pops. If there has been a major political shift, for example, you can use vox pops to understand how it has affected public opinion and behaviour. You can also choose to focus on certain demographics, or cast the net wide.

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Prospective customer

A great place to capture the opinion of your prospective customers is during industry focused expos and conferences. You might have a stand where you are explaining and selling your services. You already have your ideal targets in the room, so what better place to find out what they think of your offering, what their priorities are and how your services can be improved.

Staff opinion

Throughout the year there will be multiple events where you have lots of staff in one place. For global organisations it can be great to hear about the successes of their colleagues around the world, not just in business, but through corporate social responsibility purposes too. For example, Capgemini took part in a charity bike ride. On the day we stopped at various points in the race to capture how much they were enjoying taking part, and how it feels to be supporting their charities.

vox pops

How we approach members of the public

Catching anyone in the street unprepared can make them feel flustered, but we’re experienced in making people feel comfortable and relaxed on camera. Vox pops don’t usually take too long, and you have to be persistent. Not everyone wants to, or is able to stop and talk, but we’re always amazed by how many people are when you put your mind to it! It’s always very important to get a good mixed representation of the public and their views. That’s why we always move around different areas, and speak to as many different kind of people as possible.

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