Engaging employees is essential, whether you’re communicating new policies, celebrating successes or seeking to recruit the best talent. We’ve helped our clients with employee engagement video content of all kinds.
Inspiring Community Engagement
Capgemini’s community engagement video was highly successful at communicating the truly global reach of their charitable work. As a large organisation, it’s hard for different parts of the company to know what the company is achieving on the other side of the world. We helped Capgemini balance their story between telling individual stories and the wide-reaching impact they’re having with their work. We travelled to Mumbai to film three charity stories, and commissioned a partner agency to film in the States. Capgemini had a range of footage and stills from their projects, and cut this all together into the final piece. The campaign has seen a rise in staff participation with community engagement projects.
Celebrating Past Successes
As a business it’s important to mark achievements One of our clients had compiled a list of stats about the projects and wins they’d made over the last year. We wanted to move away from simply putting their client’s logo on the screen alongside the screen, but getting actual footage was not going to be feasible. Instead, we suggested created a stock shot presentation which didn’t show the projects themselves, but the impact they had on the final customer. The content of this presentation is confidential, so this is a clean version with key details removed.
Encouraging Digital Mentors
Animation is a great tool to inspire engagement. For this project, our clients wanted to attract internal applicants to become digital mentors. We suggested a superhero explainer video could appeal to their target audience.
Are you looking for employee engagement video?
If you are trying to engage your staff, why not get in touch and find our how we can help?
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