Demonstrate the impact of the client's CSR programme has had across the globe to both an internal and external video.

Capgemini takes their Corporate Social Responsibility extremely seriously, creating opportunities and raise living standards for people around the world. Through local, national and global initiatives they have changed the lives of thousands in the communities where they have offices. So when we were asked to showcase all the great work they do in a community engagement video, we were only too happy to help.

“Just wanted to let you know how well received the video was! Thank you very much again and we are already having requests to launch more… Good way to start the weekend and thank you for all of your hard, and creative work!”

Amy McCusker, UK Senior Sustainability Manager & Head of Community, Capgemini UK

Our Challenge

We needed to create a video that would capture the hearts and minds of a whole organisation. It was about celebrating projects that people may not even be aware of. But also generating interest in becoming involved too.

community engagement video


“What will your proudest moment be?”

We based our concept around pride, and the ability to achieve great things. Often our proudest moments are not when we achieved a personal goal, but when we helped others achieve theirs. Our challenge was to write a script that gave each project the focus it deserves, while showing that collectively the they are all part of a bigger ambition, to reach out to 1,000,000 people through their education and skills programme by 2020. With a wealth of projects to choose from, set about about writing the right phrase for each project.

We filmed a couple of projects in the UK, commissioned a crew to film for us in the US, and Gavin flew to India to direct a local crew there. However, stories came in from all over the world. We blended footage and stills over varying qualities, looking at ways of treating them so they looked consistent.

The final piece was a real celebration of their GCE work, and we were very proud to have helped them celebrate it.

community engagement video

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