We’ve had a great time making a comedy Christmas video for one of our clients, Holder & Combes. They liked the idea of rather than sending Christmas cards to their clients this year, they’d something a little bit different. So they approached us to film something for them instead.

Creating the Comedy Christmas Video

Holder & Combes are charted financial planners. They are passionate about helping people organise their financial affairs to achieve the best possible outcomes. This means distributing their income and savings in the most efficient way so that their financial goals are met while allowing them to get on with living.

Not only did they find it fun creating the video with us, it took away the problem of choosing, ordering and  sending out hundreds of Christmas cards. We helped shape their script, with lots of in jokes for their audience to smile at. Then we filmed for a couple of hours at their offices. We delivered the end video and it was uploaded to their YouTube channel. The video greeting achieved greater effect than any card could have.

Are you looking for a video?

Get in touch if you need any kind of Christmas video, let us know. We’ve created animated one, staff singing Christmas carols, advent countdowns…

Book a call with us now.

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Napoleon Creative stories December 14, 2010 Another year of video production E2-style! right arrow

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