Client Testimonial filmYesterday we filmed at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Capgemini. We were interviewing Prof Hindmarsh, who told us about the new technology project he’s running focusing on kids with diabetes. We are creating a medical case study video to how successful the project has been.

New developments enable the kid’s progress to be monitored more accurately and more responsively, which enable levels of insulin etc to be tweaked quickly. With this more responsive level of treatment, it hopefully delays the on set of more serious complications of diabetes. The conversation with Professor Hindmarsh was really interesting!

The complications of filming at Great Ormond Street 

Jo Barber, the GOSH Senior Press Office was a delight to work with, very accommodating to our needs. Likewise, we were very mindful of how we filmed, given that this was an area where people were in difficult situations. We put up signs to say we were filming, and if any parent or patient was in shot in anyway, we explained what they were doing. They could then decide if they were happy to be seen in shot or not. It was the same with the doctors and nurses! When filming the interviews and b-roll, we were as efficient as possible, so we didn’t take too much time.

How do you make a medical case study video?

With filming over, we are now in the edit. The process starts with looking through all the interview footage and cutting it down it the best takes. We then slowly whittle the content down from usually 15-20 mins to just 3. You need a good editorial eye to see where you can trim without losing key ideas, and also some ruthlessness!  We will hopefully be delivering the medical case study video in a few weeks.

If you’d like to talk about a new project, book a call.

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