How an Employee Engagement Film can improve your communications strategy

We recently filmed at Heathrow’s Terminal 2, capturing PTCs (piece to camera) for an upcoming employee event, and had a great vantage point at The Flying Chariot to film from.

employee engagement video

We also had the chance to try out a new camera in the Panasonic Varicam Lt. It’s a solid camera which offers great image quality.

Heathrow are a key client of Capgemini’s and a key part of the event that was taking place. So, we filmed a member of staff from Heathrow, along with someone from Capgemini. Having these two experts on hand really helped give the employees a deeper understanding of the event and the people that they will be working with.

We even had the opportunity to film a short testimonial with one of our clients while we were on location!

Are you keeping your employees engaged with relevant content, from the people that matter?

Find out how more about Employee Engagement

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