We’ve produced a local government video to promote Patchwork, a way of connecting professionals working with families. The app is made by FutureGov, who are renowned for the innovative digital work with local governments.

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We combined footage shot in their offices (using their staff as actors) with animation. Our editor cut it together to make the two stars look like they were in different locations, and communicating together. We chose not to make this a very literal product demo. Instead, the animations show how the app works in principle. The benefit of this is that while the app will evolve, the video won’t go out of date.

It’s great to help the team out! Here’s a great article about our friend Dominic Campbell, who’s going some great work with local governments. He’s an inspiring chap, trying to make public services more effective and efficient.

Why use a Local Government Video?

Using video for local government communication is a fantastic idea because, well, let’s face it, videos are just more fun and engaging! Think about it – when was the last time you got excited about reading a long, dense government document? Video simplifies things and makes the information easy to understand.

Imagine you’re trying to explain a new community project or a local policy change. Instead of folks drowning in a sea of text, a short, snappy video can break it down, making it way more interesting and accessible. It’s like a visual story that grabs your attention and keeps you hooked.

How to share the video

videos can be shared everywhere – Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, you name it! They have the power to reach a broad audience quickly and effectively. When people see their local leaders or fellow community members on screen, it creates a personal connection and builds trust.

In a nutshell, videos make communicating with the public a breeze – they’re engaging, easy to share, and make complex info simple and relatable. So, lights, camera, action for better community communication!

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