We flew over to Rotterdam to film a testimonial interview with Vopack for Capgemini. Vopack started off back in the 17th century as a transportation company. Over the years, they’ve focused their core business into chemical and oil storage and transportation. The gallon of petrol you put in your car has likely been through one of Vopak’s 80 terminals in 32 countries! The testimonial was focused on the work that Capgemini and Oracle have done together with Vopack to modernise their business.
Want to know how a testimonial video can help you?
Over the years we’ve filmed many a testimonial interview to help organisations attract more clients. An independent interviewer, we get a very honest response from the contributor. We shape their answers without putting words into their mouths. A few really crafty questions we ask have proved to produce insightful answers that often reveal new things to our clients about their products!